Nowadays there is still a lot of prejudice of people with prostheses. They are often pitied and seen as an incomplete person. But in truth they are a much better version of a physical human body. They are upgraded humans, part robots, with more possibilities than a normal human has. So Elena & I wanted to change these stereotypes and show the person with their prothesis as a whole and positive human being who can move everything in to the focus.

We searched for positive influencers with prostheses like the model Lauren Wasser. She has lost her both legs after surviving tampon-related toxic shock syndrome with only 21 years, but this accident doesn't stop her from her dreams. Today she is still a positive and inspiring person. She is not only a role model for persons with prostheses, she is a role model for everyone to never give up no matter what happens and showing that every fate can open new doors.

Our campaign "golden" brings the easygoing & everyday life of a strong woman like Lauren in focus, showing her in an urban street look. On the first line the "golden" slogans are motivational quotes that should motivate everyone who has a prothesis or fights with similar problems. On the other hand the slogans should force to look closely to the golden prothesis & see them not as a problem but as a key for new solutions, chances & dreams. The campaign should break down the barriers between people with and without prothesis by bringing the real person in focus who has the same dreams like everyone has regardless of any supposed disadvantage he or she might have.

The campaign should be placed everywhere in bigger public spots in the city to get the most attention by showing any target group that a fate like this can also be a new chance and to make prothesis in society something normal instead of terrible.