Kreuzkirche Bonn is the biggest protestant church of the federal state of Rhineland (Germany). The association "Musik in der Kreuzkirche Bonn" regularly offers concerts of a very high quality. The events are marked of critical topics and the connection of tradition & presence. However, their social media presence wasn't satisfying. As a result of that they had trouble to reach young target audience. To change that it was necessary to create a corporate design for all social media platforms they used.

The posts should attract attention, inspire, inform and mobilize young people to visit these events. For that, four different chapters were created .
The first one should attract attention by posting quotes of famous musicians. The second chapter was the presentation of topics in compositions by taking text passages from them. In chapter three it was important to present the personalities behind the events. The presentation of artists, composers, conductors and similar should build the connection with the audience. And the fourth chapter were reminder posts of upcoming events to get earlier tickets for concerts.
The first one should attract attention by posting quotes of famous musicians. The second chapter was the presentation of topics in compositions by taking text passages from them. In chapter three it was important to present the personalities behind the events. The presentation of artists, composers, conductors and similar should build the connection with the audience. And the fourth chapter were reminder posts of upcoming events to get earlier tickets for concerts.

The main color of social-media corporate design is orange, the same color like in the Corporate Identity (CI) before. Orange radiates warmth and joy. It is a mixture of red and yellow and, therefore, combines both: a force of red and vibrancy of yellow. Orange is an emotional stimulant. The psychological effects of orange are creativity, enthusiasm, vibrancy, energizing, warmth and fun. All effects that stand for the musical association. And it fits perfectly to catch peoples attention in the crowded social-media feed.
To visualize the dynamic of music I used positively blended lines. They stand for movement, power and are similar to staves. These lines should brake out the rigid social media grid. To contrast the light and dynamic lines, the bold font Rubik One was used. With this bold font the content catches peoples eyes.
The picture language is balanced between colored pictures with a light orange filter picking up again the orange CI color and black & white pictures to show elegance and reputable quality.
The picture language is balanced between colored pictures with a light orange filter picking up again the orange CI color and black & white pictures to show elegance and reputable quality.